Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Antennas to make Solar Easily Accessible

The technology giant NovaSolix has made a revolution in the area of solar energy by making carbon nanotube (CNT) antennas, which are small enough to match the nano-scale wavelengths of sunlight. To convert electromagnetic spectrum efficiently than photovoltaic (PV) cells, these antennas are believed to be an effective tool. This latest invention has thrown challenges to Sir Arthur C Clarke. This famous 20th-century British author once said that the idea of collecting energy from the sky and using it in our homes to nurture our schools to educate and our industry to build is really the stuff of science fiction.

These antennas are able to capture four times more energy of current solar panels and they are expecting to reach around 90% efficiency versus ~20% for today’s solar panels. This self-assembling antenna array solar cell will be 2-4 times more efficient at a less than one-tenth the cost per watt of existing solar. The California-based company claims that they have already demonstrated a proof of concept to third parties that has touched nearly 43% efficiency. The company is planning to suggest 90% solar cellpushing 1700 watts a 72 cell solar module of near 860 watts.
The lead engineer of NovaSolix, Dr. Jyotsna Iyer said that carbon nanotubes are actually not a future idea anymore. Since the 1990s in a ‘serious fashion,’ these are growing. Science fiction had long moved to science speculation. While the first manufacturing lines are expected to cost around $4.1 million at a clip of 20MW/year with a proposed price of 10¢/W, this would initially produce ~45% efficient modules.
Richard Preston, the Chief Executive Officer of NovaSolix, found raising money for the solar industry is a challenging job.“ we are seeking early-stage financing so that we are able to produce the first product that will be submitted to NREL for testing.”


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