‘Flexible Solar Cell’---New Option in Market

Every year, solar panel technology is advancing rapidly, and constantly new developments such as flexible solar cells are being released. Traditional photovoltaic solar cells are getting relatively effective at converting light to electrical power, and these silicon-based panels power homes around the world. But, these are rigid, and therefore to incorporate them into a packed, heterogeneous urban environment is difficult. Researchers believe that newly-developed flexible solar panel, which has recently broken an efficiency record in its category, will put an end to all these problems associated with the traditional solar panel.
Now, let’s take a look at what is a flexible solar panel and how they can be compared to typical photovoltaic cells.
What are flexible solar panels?
To separate charge carriers fullerenes are usually required in polymer solar cells. fullerenes, however, are unstable under illumination, and form large crystals at high temperatures.
Unlike the traditional ones, polycrystalline or monocrystalline solar panel is made up of silicon wafers and has emerged as a low cost alternative solar cell. These wafers are nearly 200 micrometers thick- slightly thicker than a human hair. those silicon wafers must be sliced down to just a few micrometers wide in order to make ‘flexible’ solar panels. These ultra-thin silicon wafers give solar panels ‘n’ numbers of unique properties, including flexibility for some models.
However, the ultra-thin silicon cells have been around for a while. Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers recently has given way to advances in organic solar cells. The MIT researchers have invented a new way to use organic materials with electrodes of graphene, instead of silicon as the basis of solar cells.
As a portable solar power system, flexible solar panels can be used on-the-go, for RVs, autos, and boats. these can be used in homes and cabins to charge solar batteries.
Why opt for Flexible Solar Panel?
Their ability to fit many types of solar projects is the biggest advantage of flexible panels. Light-weighting panels are good option if your roof can’t bear the heavy load of other traditional solar panels due to structural concerns. Flexible solar panels can be easily installed on less conventional structures like carports.
Financially also, flexible solar panels will reduce the installation cost. These panels require less labor to complete the installation process and also it is easy to handle.
However, houses without enough roof space are not a good fit for flexible solar panels and may not produce the desired amount of energy. These types of panels are appropriate for small projects including RVs and boats. Their durability combined with the reduced weight of flexible panels make them ideal for those projects that don’t need large amounts of energy.
Finding the right solar panel setup
No matter whether you are looking for thin film solar panels or mono and polycrystalline modules, the important part is to get the right information from the most reliable source. iSolarWorld-the emerging platform on global solar industry offers all the detailed information you require before installing solar panels.


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